CASA Pitzer庆祝25年的社区活动在内陆帝国

CASA Pitzer的学生和工作人员在橙色的墙壁前合影,墙上用白色的文字写着CASA Pitzer的名字和使命.
CASA Pitzer的学生、员工和社区成员在25周年庆典上

Critical Action & 社会倡导(CASA) Pitzer在其25年的以正义为导向的学习和合作中经历了许多转变. 今天,CASA Pitzer居住在安大略省市中心历史悠久的法兰克建筑中,那里有壁画, natural light, diagonal bookshelves, and cozy furniture welcome everyone who comes in. It is here that activist research and community building become one.

Originally known as Pitzer in Ontario, CASA Pitzer在监禁问题上推进批判性分析和社区伙伴关系, immigration, indigeneity, education, environment, labor, art, culture, and health. CASA Pitzer brings local residents, organizers, activists, artists, 以及非营利组织与值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台的教职员工和学生一起做出改变.

Community-driven research and action

CASA Pitzer的学术项目包括两门课程:批判性社区研究和社区变革的研究方法. 该项目与10个核心社区合作伙伴一起促进学生奖学金和基于社区的参与性行动研究.

“CASA Pitzer通过将这些理论实时呈现出来,将它们变为现实,” said CASA Pitzer Director Tessa Hicks Peterson. “我们正在应对复杂的问题,这既需要严格的研究,也需要创新的解决方案. 当你与不同的人建立关系时,如何解决这些问题对不同的人的影响是非常不同的.”

CASA Pitzer与社区参与中心(CEC)有相同的创始人:Lourdes Arguelles, a former professor, and Alan P. Jones, emeritus professor and former dean of faculty. 他们建立了这个项目,为学生提供学术结构和体验机会,以发展和实践当地公民.”

在CASA Pitzer的客厅里,学生们围成一圈坐在地毯和沙发上聊天.
CASA Pitzer students at the 25th anniversary gala

而中央行政会议则促进了学院的社会参与, CASA Pitzer is a place-based, 三个学分的课程,每学期由14名学生组成. 学生们在社区中心上课,并完成125小时的奖学金, which Hicks Peterson said “provides deep cultural immersion in the Inland Empire.”

“There are few places that have what we have, 哪一个校外社区中心包括这些纵向研究项目让学生深入参与和实践,” said Hicks Peterson. “全国各地的人都来参观CASA并向其学习.”

CASA Pitzer fulfills requirements for five different majors and three graduation requirements; it is deeply ingrained in the College’s educational mission. Students on financial aid can also count CASA Pitzer for work study.

Scholars in residence

CASA Pitzer还提供学者驻校项目,以培养学生之间的更多互动, faculty, and community members. CASA社区驻校学者是CASA Pitzer学院教学能力建设的重要组成部分.

As current CASA scholars, Steffanie Guillermo和Jemma Lorenat教授正在通过社区教育和创建额外的CASA课程来重新构想他们的工作. With community partners’ support, Guillermo is teaching a class about psychological bias in policing, and Lorenat is teaching data science ethics and justice. Both will return to teach CASA Pitzer’s main research methods course.

希克斯·彼得森的目标是让CASA Pitzer涵盖更多的组织, majors, student cohorts, and faculty. CASA Pitzer is making great strides to that end. The teaching roster has expanded to include faculty in sociology, organizational studies, psychology, mathematics, and more. Hicks Peterson said that within the next few years, CASA Pitzer希望完全依靠全职教师而不是兼职教授.

On the horizon

另一个主要目标是将CASA Pitzer建设成为安大略省一个充满活力的社区中心. 多个组织利用这个空间举办草根组织活动, education, and the arts on a near daily basis.

Interim President Tom Poon, Mayor of Ontario Paul Leon, Pitzer和安大略社区成员站在CASA安大略大楼前剪彩.
2016年在安大略CASA举行剪彩仪式,临时校长Tom Poon出席, Mayor of Ontario Paul Leon, and Pitzer and Ontario community members

“社区有一种更强烈的归属感,知道Pitzer是合作伙伴,这个空间是他们的, too,” said Hicks Peterson.

CASA Pitzer去年收到了一笔25万美元的匿名捐款,用于发展社区中心和学术项目. Last fall, 圣曼努埃尔印第安人传教团给了值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台一笔赠款,其中包括对CASA值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台与土著和土著社区合作的为期三年的口述历史项目的支持. This summer, 北大西洋图书出版社正在出版CASA Pitzer正在进行的通过认识正义的恢复性和治愈性正义的工作, Know Peace initiative.

CASA Pitzer strives to pursue ethical, 与当地组织建立互惠关系,并以这些组织的需求为基础进行研究. 学生们带着燃烧的激情离开,继续他们的实地工作.

“CASA Pitzer是一次深刻影响人们的经历,”希克斯·彼得森(Hicks Peterson)说. 15年前的校友分享了它如何改变了他们在研究生院的学习, the career they chose, and how they engage today with their communities and families.”

Visit 了解更多值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台CASA Pitzer和我们的社区合作伙伴的信息,他们是这项工作的共同教育者.

About Pitzer College

匹泽学院是一所全国排名第一的本科文理学院. A member of The Claremont Colleges, Pitzer通过将知识探究与跨学科研究联系起来,为文科教育提供了一种独特的方法, cultural immersion, social responsibility, and community involvement. For more information, please visit

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